Concrete Foundations

Concrete Foundations

Concrete foundations are the most common foundation type for residential and commercial buildings. Here at All Aluminum & Screening, Inc, we specialize in all types of concrete foundations to ensure your construction project is structurally sound and up to code.

We also make sure that all of our concrete foundations are structurally reinforced with steel bars and pre-stressed components to ensure they can withstand intense weather conditions and the weight of the structure above it. We use a variety of techniques, such as anchored bolts, strap systems, and poured walls, to guarantee your foundation is secure.

Our team takes great care in installing your concrete foundation. Our experienced crew will make sure that the concrete is properly installed according to code and that all necessary precautions are taken in order to ensure a safe and secure foundation for your structure.

Slab On Grade Foundations

A slab-on-grade foundation is one of the most common types of concrete foundations. It is used when a structure needs to be built on ground level and offers enhanced insulation against moisture, noise, and temperature change.

When installing a concrete slab foundation, our team takes special care to ensure that the area is properly prepared to accept the concrete slab. This includes excavating and leveling the soil, laying down a layer of gravel, and installing insulation. After this is complete, the concrete slab is poured and leveled.

Contact us today for more information about our slab-on-grade foundation services!

Basement Foundations

A basement foundation is a type of concrete foundation that is built beneath the ground level of a building. Basements are typically used in areas with high water tables or those where extra space is needed for storage or living purposes.

At All Aluminum & Screening, Inc, we specialize in building concrete foundations. Our team is experienced in excavating and constructing the foundation to make sure everything is up to code and structurally sound. We also use top-grade materials and reinforcements to ensure your basement will last for years to come. Contact us today to discuss your needs, we’ll provide a customized solution that fits your unique project and budget.

We work with you to create a customized solution that adds value and beauty to your home and pool enclosure. Our team is experienced in the design and installation of aluminum screen enclosures, and we offer free estimates on every job.


Free Consultation

We'll explore various options for your project, including framing, screening, and hardware like ladders or lights.


Our team will create a detailed estimate, outlining the materials needed and end costs.


Our installations are backed by warranty, ensuring quality workmanship with every job we undertake.

Frequently Asked Questions

All Aluminum & Screening, LLC, we aim to deliver top-notch pool enclosure installation and screen repair services in Brevard County, Florida. Our focus is to achieve excellence in every project we handle and ensure our customers’ utmost satisfaction. Our core values include maintaining professionalism, integrity, and providing exceptional customer service.

Yes, we stand behind all our work and offer a satisfaction guarantee on every job. Contact us today for details!

Yes, we highly recommend scheduling a design consultation with our team of experts. We will work with you to create a customized solution that adds value and beauty to your home and pool enclosure. All consultations are free of charge.

Yes, we offer Replacement & Renovation services that include the removal of the existing framework and installation of all new components with proper sealant. Typical costs for replacing a standard-size pool enclosure range from $1000 – $3000.

The cost of patio screen repair can vary depending on the size and condition of the existing structure. Typically, repairs range from $100 – $400.

Yes, we also specialize in the installation and repair of window screens. We offer a wide range of options to suit any style and budget.